Now, how to get rid of the West's many secret armies trolling Africa, causing assassinations, sabotage and false flags?

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That is another elephant in the room. We're witnessing the same prose that the 2nd World followed. Kenyans are still in the dark over Chinese contracts that apparently issued the port of Mombasa as collateral. You'd think that only happened in Sri Lanka - but now Kenya is joining Zambia in dire straits. When harsh economic times ensue, we might be looking at a #SubSaharanSprings soon.

Africa is really the last frontier if you look at it. That's why both the East and West + Europe are literally scrambling and partitioning again - neo-colonialism.

So the false flags, coups, economic sabotage among other nefarious practices like SAPs and debt-laced developments we're seeing will keep increasing in Africa.

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Muriira, if you'd like to get on my show to talk about Africa, let me know.




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That would be great Jeff.

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Then please email me above. Cheers.

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